Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Carson silent spring

"The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings" (Carson 153)

All living things in this world have a balance with the natural surroundings there in. The natural surroundings are called their environment and its plays a huge key in survival. Throughout time all living things have had to evolve due to changes in their surroundings. This knowledge is called evolution and hundreds of species can be observed practicing evolution. Whether the specie is trying to improve hunting methods or improve there camouflage its all evolution in action.

"The environment, rigorously shaping and directing the life it supported, contained elements that were hostile as well as supporting certain rocks gave out radiation, even within light of the sun, from which all life draws its energy, there were short-wave radiations with power to injure." (Carson 154)

When I read this quote it made me thing of all the hostile plants and animals that the environment holds. I thought about the antagonistic lionfish that has no natural predators in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, which makes it a huge threat. Wrecks all over are being flooded with these fish and since there’s nothing that can swallow these venomous fish there population has exploded. This shows that even though there are hostile species out there that effect the environments in a bad way they still exist.


 "Much of the accessory knowledge is now available but we do not use it"(Carson 159)

People today have so much knowledge out there at their fingertips but don’t take advantage of it. Luckily I’m a person that moves taking in new information because knowledge is power. The more you know about something the better you will be in that field and it can come in handy in the professional world. The people I look up to are the old and the wise because they can actually teach me something important because they have either been through it or learned it through time. A perfect example of this is on our last field trip our tour guide of the history of Fort Myers beach lived there since she was a small girl and could tell you the ins and outs of the place since she lived through it.

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